Orleton Pre-school is run under a constitution set out by the Pre-school Learning Allinace. The PLA recognises parents as the first and most important educators of their children, a value we at Orleton Pre-school share.
We aim to support parents, and welcome them:
- To work in the group with the children
- To assist with fund-raising
- To become members of the Committee, representing the views of all the parents
- To become involved in special events, such as our Christmas festivities and Sports Day
- To join us on outings and trips, such as trips to the park or library
- To share their unique knowledge of their own child with staff to support the best possible provision for their child
Further Information.
At Orleton Pre-school, all children are free to develop without fear of being hurt or worried. Our staff model appropriate behaviour, and help children to learn the same through praise and encouragement. Unacceptable behaviour is discouraged, with adults offering all children support in understanding and learning what is appropriate.
Children are also supported in developing good self-esteem, self-regulation and respect for themselves and others.
Behaviour is managed in accordance with our Behaviour Policy.
In order to prevent the spread of infectious illness, we will refuse to accept any child who is suffering from sickness and/or diarrhoea.
If your child has been poorly, please do not bring them to Orleton Pre-school until 48 hours have passed since the last episode of diarrhoea or vomiting.
We must be advised if your child takes any medication on a regular basis.
We cannot give any medicines to children that have not been prescribed by a doctor, so we cannot give children over-the-counter medicines such as Calpol. If your child requires prescribed medication to be administered during a session, you will be asked to complete a Medication Record form, which gives details of the medicine, dosage, and required timings of these. Parents must provide a signature of consent before the medicine can be administered.
The staff will not actively check your child’s hair for signs of head lice infestation. However, should they notice headlice on your child’s hair, you will be informed.
Should you required further information about treatment, please ask a member of staff.
In the event of a serious accident, staff will attempt to telephone parents or the emergency contacts provided. The child’s own Doctor may also be contacted. Should a child need to receive treatment away from Orleton Pre-school, a member of staff will accompany the child to either a surgery or hospital, until a parent/carer arrives. All major and minor accidents are recorded on an Accident Form, as we are required to do, which parents need to sign, and we would appreciate your co-operation with this.
If your child has an accident prior to a Pre-school session, you must inform a member of staff, who will also make a record of this. This is very important, as a previous injury may impact on the child’s behaviour, health and well-being during a session.